Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Our DNA is 99% the same after all...

I've been thinking about it, and I've come to this conclusion: A trained monkey could do my job. It is never a good feeling to realize that. So I've got to find a new job, preferably one that a trained animal could not do. Unfortunately if I use that standard, it cuts out a few jobs that I would like to do. When I started working for the postal service I had hopes of eventually becoming a mail carrier. I always thought it would be a fun job, but when I found out that a monkey could do that job too, my hopes were dashed!

Blasted monkeys, they are so talented!


Jenn said...

Good luck with the job hunt! I hate looking for jobs! Or maybe you should just start your own business training monkeys to do all those stupid jobs we hate doing.

Becca Wecca2 said...

If a monkey can do it, then why aren't we working with a bunch of monkeys? OR.....maybe we are!

bandkworky said...

Kristin how are you doing? This is Koriann, I have a little blog myself so I found yours. If you want to check it out its bandkworky.blogspot.com.

Melissa said...

No lie, I had a work seminar today called "Monkey Management." I thought of you.