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"Tis better to be silent and thought a fool, then to speak and remove all doubt"
There's a lot of pressure associated with writing the first blog. So here I am, trying to think of something witty, intelligent, or mind-blowing so that all of you who found this blog, might actually come back to read it again!! I should probably take the advice of Lisa Simpson (from the quote above), but most of you already think I'm a fool to some degree, so I've really got nothing to lose.
Most of you didn't know it, but I have two children. (left to right: Stormy and Chas). I lovingly refer them as my kids because they are a good trial run before having real children. While Chas is technically Matt's cat, and Stormy is mine, we have both adopted the other as our own. Both were adopted from shelters and are so much fun. They have such different personalities, but both enjoy cat nip, playing in their tent, hanging out on the patio watching the ducks, and watching "Homeward Bound".
Matt is the third animal in my life! In fact, he might be the cutest one. (ahh, cheesy I know!) Matt and I met the day after Christmas while he was working at J.C. Penny. I came in that day to return some boots, and left with a date. We have basically been inseparable ever since!I'll be brief for right now because as time goes on I'm sure you'll be sick of hearing about me, Matt, and the cats. So I want to leave you wanting more, that way you'll come back again! However, you may be wondering why my blog is called "I Wave at Dogs". Well, its because I do. It all started one day when I waved to a dog crossing the street with his owner, and has continued to this day. I really try to control the waving at animals, mostly because it makes me look like a crazy person, but I can't help but giggle. What can I say? I love animals! One of my favorite things about driving on I-15 is getting to see the pictures of all the animals up for adoption at the Humane Society. The truly amazing thing is that despite my rubber-necking to try to see as many animals as possible on the screen, I haven't gotten in any accidents! Knock on wood!!
Hey cute blog!! Long time no see!! Check out ours!!
Hi girl!!
I love blogs! Although, mine, I'm sure, would fail at being considered interesting. I love the pictures!
heeeeey. what's up? How fun! You're cute. Ok. the end.
oh... it's me... Jenn... in case you didn't know.
Jenn again... I have a blog too.
Hey!!! Nice blog! check us out!
Hey, Galby! I love your slide show, but I'm a little confused. Eiffel Tower or Leaning Tower of Pisa? I thought I knew this, but maybe not. You're the expert.:)
ummm... did you know you spelled our names wrong on your link list?
Oh, and have you seen Koriann's blog? I have a link off of mine.
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