Not to toot my own horn, but in the spirit of Thanksgiving I made a donation to the Utah Food bank. All week various radio stations have been doing food drives, tugging on the heart strings of their listeners, and it finally got to me and I decided to go to the store and buy some various Thanksgiving-y food items.
As if it weren't enough to just do something nice for those less fortunate...I got rewarded also. They gave me a c.d. of local artists, and some Jazz tickets for the game vs. the Boston Celtics in February. I almost felt guilty taking the prizes....but who am I to refuse??
I know the economy has affected all of us in different ways, but I encourage you to seek out a local charity that you could help out, even if there's not any prizes in it for you. As they said on the radio, if you know where your next meal is coming from then you're better off than a lot of other people out there!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
2 weeks ago
What a good heart you have! It's true--we all may feel we aren't rich, but if we have jobs and money in the bank, then I think we can afford to help out those in need.
And what goes around, comes around. Good karma.
I hope you will not be punished for this good deed! :)
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