So yesterday I decided that I needed to give my blog a face lift (the finished product is what you're viewing right now). Well while I was working on it, I changed quite a bit of the look, and was quite proud of it. After finishing all of my hard work I decided to do a little blog stalking. I pulled up my sisters blog to see what kind of crazy stuff her cats had done lately....and there it was, staring right at me. The exact same blog background! It was like looking at my own blog, but with her face all over it!
Most of you probably wouldn't have noticed, but it was the principle of the matter. I had to give it another look immediately, so I went back to work on the colors, background, and template. I guess there was a reason I was drawn to the same background as my sisters blog...its in our DNA! And she always said I was adopted....
2 weeks ago
I understand that, I just changed my and lost all of my side bar things including all the address of my friends blogs.
hahaha. Sorry, sis. But your second choice is supercute.
You shoulda just left it the same! (And then said that Melissa copied YOU--ha ha)! Yep, it MUST be the DNA (although I WILL be concerned if Steven tries out the same background! ha ha again :-) I wish Steven would blog more often cuz he is SO funny. I enjoy all of your blogs a lot.
And, yes, I like what you've done with your blog AND I ESPECIALLY LOVE the photo you've chosen of you and Mojo in your hoodie!!! I just have to smile every time I see that picture, as well as the one with him smiling even though the hoodie is covering his eyes. (Just as long as Stormy and Chas don't see you with another animal, a DOG, of all things!)
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