No, I have not died. I am alive and well.
Since I can't be as lucky as a bear, I've been passing my time in front of the television. As usual I have found myself sucked into reality shows. My guilty pleasures include American Idol, The Batchelor, and Rock of Love Bus.
The American Idol episode tonight was filmed in Salt Lake. I kept my eyes peeled for someone I recognized, but alas didn't spot anyone I knew. Too bad! I love American Idol and I can't wait until we have to stop watching the train wreck auditions and can focus on the good ones.
Well, don't you feel better now that you know what I've been up to. Pretty exciting huh? Yeah, I didn't think so either. But at least there's no bad news to tell, so it could be worse.
I haven't blogged in quite some time, but no news is good news right? II tend to get lazy in the winter because it is so cold outside that I have a hard time doing anything. The cold and dreary weather makes me want to curl up and hibernate for the winter. I think bears have the right idea!

I didn't ever watch Rock of Love (1 or 2), but I was drawn to watch the Rock of Love Bus because they've got a chick from Utah on it. I think her name is Kelsey, but I can't be sure. At least she's not quite as skanky as the other girls on the show.
But I do have to question her sanity....because who would want to compete for this??

Well, don't you feel better now that you know what I've been up to. Pretty exciting huh? Yeah, I didn't think so either. But at least there's no bad news to tell, so it could be worse.
Good. I'm glad you're not dead! I watched American Idol last night too. Gephardt was on there for a sec, and I saw someone I went to usu with, and was in one of my wards up there. But yeah, don't think they were competing. :)
Glad you're not dead too!!
I too am so stupidly sucked into rock of love bus.. what the freak???? I hate that i watch it but I cant stop... and i didnt watch the other ones either... and of course im watching the bachelor.. although that show has never made me wish more that i was a drinker! :) it drives me insane.. i instantly become one of those people that screams at the tv.. (although I'm normally nursing while it's on so i keep the screaming inside my head as to not disturb the baby!)
And of course american idol.. im so glad they dont have as many dumb people this year, or at least they arent focusing as much on it.. but really there havent been that many people that just blow me away either...
yea... now that my comment is longer than you post.. i should probably stop!! :)
umm.. the whole part of my comment (which i remembered 2 hours later..) was to tell you i saw a girl we went to school with on idol.. Not actually auditioning.. but just in one of the shots with Ryan.. umm.. all i can remember was she was a char.. and i think her last name was rassmusen.. natalie maybe???? thats all....
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