3 day weekends are rare, and will essentially be non-existent during the summer months to come. So when Matt learned he had Friday-Sunday off, we decided to bolt down to St. George for a weekend getaway!
The weekend was pretty uneventful, and at some times similar to what we would have done if we were in Salt Lake, but it was nice to have a change of scenery! (And having warmer temperatures didn't hurt either!) We did drive by a random small car show and saw some very nice vintage Corvettes and Shelbys. Too bad Matt's dream car wasn't there... a 1966 Cobra. I guess with a price tag of around $1 million, we weren't expecting to see it. I fell in love with a vintage Stingray. I'll put it on my Christmas list!
On Saturday afternoon after playing a round of mini golf we decided to head to gamble away a small fortune in Mesquite. It's only a 30 or 40 minute drive, so we coudn't resist!! We ended up staying longer than we were expecting because Matt was doing quite well at the Texas Holdem table. Overall I ended up losing $20, but Matt ended up earning $20 after all of his game play! So really we ended up breaking even, and got hours and hours of entertainment, so I call that a success!!
Sunday was bascally devoted to cleaning, eating, and driving. We had recorded the Jazz vs Lakers game and were excited to get home so that we could watch it. Unfortunately that excitement left all too soon due to the lopsided score. We didn't let that bring us down after a great weekend though!! I wish I had pictures, but we had so much fun that we completely spaced bringing it with us to any of the fun events. Oh well, you know what we look like!
2 weeks ago
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