My sister keeps encouraging me to blog more often. I guess for some crazy reason she actually likes to read my blog- go figure! I haven't blogged for a while because, lets face it, my life is pretty boring. Plus, I really don't want to be one of those people who blogs even when they have nothing to really blog about.
So I pulled out the old journal to see if something exciting happened on this day in the past. It turns out two years ago I was having quite the adventure in Italy. I was a loyal journal-writer on the trip, and looking back I found it all very amusing. Hopefully you will too! If nothing else, I know at least 2 people will find this entry interesting.
May 18, 2006
6:50 pm
I'm a hungry girl, good thing that I am on my way to a Tuscan dinner. This will be the end activity to a fun day spent if Florence, or Firenza as they say in Italia. So this morning started early as we headed into the city. We parked the coach on the river and then had a 10 minute walk into Santa Croce Square. This is hard to write on the coach. The Aussies behind me just commented on how I write every time we stop. I hope they don't have super good vision and realize I'm writing about them. If you can read this, stop it! Mind your own bloody business!
10:45 pm
Those crazy Aussies, I had to teach them a lesson! The crazy lady just yelled that Annemarie has herpes. Besides being crazy, I think she's a lesbian. She is one drunk, crazy lesbian! We are once again on the bus heading from dinner to the hotel. There was a lovely song about a mattress and making love on it-gotta love it! Where can I get that cd?

Dinner was fantastic! It was so much fun and a great meal. We ate dinner with the 4 girls from minnesota: Annemarie, Melissa, Courtney and Lindsey. The crazy lady is a writer apparently and is currently yelling at the nice Aussie mand and telling him he is selfish. Now she just told him to yell with you! Wow! C-R-A-Z-Y! Okay, so back to dinner...So can I just say that I can't remember the last time I did the macarena, before tonight that is! So back to the minnesota girls, not quite the hoochies that I thought they were. They were all very nice and had a lot of questions about the Mormons and of Utah. Well, mostly they just associated Utah with Elizabeth Smart and Lori Hacking..fantastic!

Dinner was huge, it was great! Dinner started with bread, then pasta and bean soup. Wait, I lied! In between those was some melon with prosciutto. I ate the melon, no prosciutto. After the soup came a plate with two kinds of pasta. I ordered the Florentine steak, which did not disappoint. Well, it could have been better if it wasn't on the bone. The steak came with fries (random), spinach (kinda yucky, it was cooked, not raw), and salad (the first one here, I was starting to think they didn't have them). And of course there was all the wine you could drink, and all the Coke for me and Melissa. After dinner began the dancing!

All night long there was a lady singing to us and at some points in the night she'd try to get us to sing along to songs we didn't know. Anyway, at first they switched to some nice old people dancing music (Italian style) and all the old people from the groups got up and danced, it was cute. Then the D.J. started playing more up tempo Italian music and Mauro came over to perk our table up, and grabbed Melissa to dance. So we all got up and were dancing, half-heartedly. But the party really began when the YMCA cam on and Mauro and Giuseppe were dancing in front of everyone! Between seeing them (Mauro and Giuseppe) and seeing the old people boogying down, it was quite a night. We also did the macarena, the electric slide, the chicken dance and some other disco and latin dancing.

I danced to a slow song with Mauro- it was fun, but I felt like a giant. He's not
that short, just shorter than me. He put his head on my shoulder and kissed my hand at the end- how charming! I think our waiter loved me too! Every time I got up to use the bathroom (which we all know is very often) I had to walk by him and he always smiled and often said things like "ciao bella", etc. I'm not even lying! It too was very charming. He kind of looked like Orlando Bloom, but I'm not gonna lie, he was nowhere near as attractive as Orlando.

And on the complete opposite end of the spectrum from attractive was Salvatore! Mauro had explained him as a cross between Dracula and Mr. Bean. I didn't really know what that meant, but when I met him I realized it was the perfect way to describe him. He was a wierdo, and gave us all scary looks- kind of looks like "I'm a scary old dirty Italian man having nasty thoughts about cute American girls" mixed with "I'm a cool Italian and these Americans are ridiculous and stupid". It was frightening, to say the least!