Spring fever has struck! Usually around this time of year I get really restless which makes me want to travel. So I've been thinking about my trips to Europe recently and have been longing to be able to travel there again. My
sister apparently gets the same kind of spring fever I do and found a fun website that will mark the countries that you've been to and tell you what percentage of the world you've visited. According to the website I have only visited 9 countries which equates out to be 4%. Here's my map:

The only problem with the
website is the blatant disrespect for the countries of the United Kingdom. By counting the countries of the U.K (Scotland, England, and Wales) as only one it takes away each countries identity. Not only that, but it lowers my country count to 9, when it should be counted as 11. And as a descendant of the Scottish people I won't stand for it. I know that changing my country count to 11 probably won't change my percentage, but I want to show respect for each country I've been to and count every single one. After all, that is the proper thing to do. Plus, in the name of sibling rivalry, it will put me 1 country ahead of my sister. Finally, after 25 years in her shadow I've emerged!!

My sister has been a great travel partner over the last couple of years. We spent 11 days in Italy and Greece in May 2006. It was a great trip! Now that her liver is doing better hopefully we'll be able to travel more. This is us at the Parthenon in Athens, Greece. I didn't exactly love Athens because of the intense heat and the crowds, but I still would recommend visiting!
Man, I knew you'd have more countries than me! ((pout)) One day I'll get you, my pretty, and your little passport, too!
When I'm feeling better, I say we go to Australia and visit... drat, what was the name of the guy from our Cosmos trip? You know, the one who's "not a nice person!"
Kristin, you have been alot of places! I wonder what next adventure you'll go on next! p.s. those Ice cream cones made me hungry! ;)
Hey, don't feel bad! You've been to a LOT more countries than I have, and I'm a lot older than you! (Does that make you feel better? No?)
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