A is for age:
B is for booze of choice:
Appletini... just kidding, that's what JD on Scrubs always orders.
C is for career:
D is for your dog's name:
Mojo . Technically my dog, but he lives with my mom and dad.

car, hairspray, makeup, food, chapstick, lotion, Ipod, Walkman
F is for favorite song(s) at the moment:
I don't know the name of it. They play it on X96 and if I had to guess the title would be "Love Me" because they say it a lot in the chorus.
G is for favorite games:
Family Fued
H is for hometown:
I is for instruments you play:
the recorder, i learned it in 4th grade but that's the only one
J is for jam or jelly you like:
sugar free raspberry or blackberry
K is for kids:
can you hear me screaming "NOOOOOOOO...."
L is for last kiss:
Matt, about 5 minutes ago
M is for most admired trait:
??? I'd have to ask other people. Maybe dedication..
N is for name of your crush:
David Beckham... HOT!!

P is for phobias:
being killed, heights, spiders
Q is for quotes you like:
"Service is like peeing your pants. Everyone can see what you've done, but you're the only one who feels the warmth."
R is for biggest regret:
Try not to think about that stuff because whatever decisions I've made has made me the person I am today
S is for sweets of your choice:
peanut butter cups, sugar cookies (those ones you buy in the bakery with lots of frosting), cookie dough ice cream, chocolate covered almonds, 100 calorie oreo or chips ahoy bites
T is for time you wake up:
4:45 am if I have to shower, 5:00 am if not
U is for underwear:
usually bikini briefs or something
V is for vegetables you love:
almost everything, even brussel sprouts!
W is for worst habit:
being overly emotional
X is for x-rays you've had:
Y is for yummy food you make:
Taco soup, enchiladas, chicken rolls (Matt's moms recipe, oh its tasty!), healthy banana bread
Z is for zodiac sign:
Ha, ha, wouldn't you like to know what I said in my secret deleted post? "I'll never teeeell!"
Is that song you're thinking of "Love Me Dead" by Ludo?
What a cute picture of you and Mo! But I think Mom may argue that the statute of limitations of technical ownership has passed...
Yes, Melissa, we want to know what you said the first time. And I didn't know you could delete comments, or else I woulda done it on YOUR blogspot.
Kristin, I'm really hungry now, with all this talk of chicken rolls, enchiladas & taco soup, etc. YUM.
BTW, you can always claim Mojo, as long as you don't take him (and with your cats, I think I'm safe!)
I like the song "Love Me Dead"--was that the one you meant?
Anyway, gotta go. Dad is here & we're gonna visit Steven's blog :-)
P.S. I am still contemplated the quote about Service being like peeing your pants. HHMMMM.
And this is supposed to be a GOOD thing?
W is for worst habit:
Not blogging enough!
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