Just Kidding!! I could never do that, I'm much more attached to those darn cats then I am to any possession. The solution we came up with was to have them declawed. Now I know there are a lot of mixed feelings about declawing, and I've heard the pros and cons, so please don't come at me and tell me how horrible I am for doing it.
Stormy's now declawed paw
I took them in to the Utah Pet Center (formerly the Fun Dome and the 49th Street Galleria) on Monday morning for their procedure. The people were super friendly and seemed to be very thorough. They even kept the kitties overnight for observations. It was a lonely, but quiet night here on Monday.Tuesday afternoon I went to pick them up, and boy were they happy to see me! Okay, actually I think they were happy to go home, but pissed at me that they had their surgery! Chas yelled (meowed) at me most of the afternoon, and Stormy ran under the bed and was not seen until the next morning.
Stormy hiding under the bed

Antibiotic and pain reliever for the patients

The cats are making a great recovery. I have to give them their medicine twice a day, but overall they are feeling much better now, and getting to be more active again. After days of constant attention and treat overload I think the cats have forgiven us. We're looking forward to being able to play fight with them and not get the crap clawed out of our hand! And we just hope their back claws won't destroy our new furniture...but we refuse to remove all 4 claws, so we'll just keep our fingers crossed!!
Stormy's feeling better
I totally fell for it, ha ha. I'm happy to hear you're not getting rid of the kittyheads. I wish the patients a speedy recovery!
hopefully it will keep your furniture looking super nice. i wish i could de-tongue, de-finger, de-feet, he-hand my kiddos. then i'd have really nice stuff, too.
My cat was declawed and there were still some scratch marks on the couch, but that was just from jumping off and running from the grandkids.
I had a feeling that would happen! That's one of the reasons we won't get cats
Poor little kitties! But good idea. I would have done the same!
My FIRST thought was the Price of Pimping is jail time. Or at least in Long Beach in the '70s it was wearing purple crushed velvet street length jackets & gold chains, yet no one would laugh at them. But I digress. . .
I hope the kitties are doing better & the declawing will save your sofa, like you wanted. Between the new sofa & TV, your place IS really "pimped out"! I'm jealous!
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