On the radio this morning they were talking about weddings (how much they cost, how many guests, etc.) and the DJ relayed a stat that he had either read or heard (I'm sure it was from a very reputable source. After all, he's on the radio, he can't just be making stuff up...) Anyway, what some study apparently found out was that....
people who spend over $20,000 on their weddings only have a 15% success rate!!
Which leads me to ask...is your marriage doomed? I'm not married yet, but I wish I had enough money to be doomed! Just kidding! If I had that much money I'd rather take half of that amount and put it towards a down payment on a house, but that's just me!
2 weeks ago
wow! yeah, so we didn't spend anywhere near that much money on our wedding. I totally agree with you on using part of that money to put down on a house though. I know someone whose parents spent $50,000 on her wedding. Talk about crazy.
um yeah, i don't even know how i'd spend that much money on a wedding. and i'd love to have spent that on a honeymoon. although the practical version of me would have used it for a downpayment. sigh. but good to know i'm not doomed.
Whew, I'm safe! (ha ha)
OK, my vote for crazy goes to the parents who spent $50k on their daughter's wedding. But kudos to the daughter for getting them to do it, I suppose, because, if I were young, and even if I were not (uh, I AM not!), I would totally take it.
But I guess we were talking about DOOMED. Is there an inverse relationship to marital success and how LITTLE you spent on a reception? Or if you had a reception? Hmm. I know our reception MUST have been cheap because it was held in our ward's cultural hall! Yeah. That says it all doesn't it?
But I'm glad you read that, Kristin, cuz maybe it'll get us off the hook a little. Receptions are ONE DAY. The focus should be on the marriage and each other, not that party & the pictures. No one ever looks at those after a while.
P.S. If anyone reading this ALSO had their reception in a cultural hall, I'm SURE it was a classier affair than mine. If you doubt me, come on over & you can look at my pictures. Yes, I still have them. Kim is in his double-knit leisure suit in some of them (outside the temple), then there's the shots of us under the white stuff elegantly draped over the basketball hoop. . . SO, I meant NO OFFENSE to other cultural hall receptions, if there are any out there.
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