Good news- I am not as bad of a mother as I thought I was.
Bad news- It turns out I'm actually worse!
Good news- Stormy's surgery was a success!
Bad news- Chas has to have surgery tomorrow! The vet examined Chas today and found he had the same problem Stormy did (but on only one paw). I guess Chas just 'manned up' to the pain, because he showed no signs of any problems.
Good news- After Chas' surgery tomorrow, my cats won't be broken anymore.
Bad news- They'll have to be on pain medication and antibiotics for 10 days. That means risking my life and limb trying to get them to take it. (At least they can only get me with 2 paws now!)
Bad news- they shaved the fur away on Stormy's paw so that they could get a good look at the pads.
Good news- even though it looks a little silly, it is adorable!!
Bad news- Stormy has to wear a cone on her head so that she doesn't nibble on her feet and take out the stitches. She doesn't like it very much.
Good news- (I feel a little bad saying this, but...) It is sooo freaking cute to see her wearing her cone. It usually doesn't last long, but I was able to catch a few pictures with her wearing it.
2 weeks ago
Poor kittens! Stormykins' beautiful face looks so sad with her cone on. And soon Chas will be coned, too! I wonder how that will go over. ;) Good luck with giving them their medicine. I hope you've had your tetanus shot!
You should take the 49th Street Galleria people to court.
What happened to your cat's paw? Why did he need surgery?
Stormy looks like the picture of kitty unhappiness with that cone on. It's just sad & pathetic.
You're not a bad mom, however. You're not responsible for how they heal (or don't) after surgery. But you did buy that nice sofa. . . (ha ha--I'm kidding!) I bet they're getting lots of TLC right now.
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