I'm sure all mothers have the feeling that they are a bad mother from time to time. I'm currently feeling this way. As most of you probably read, we got Stormy and Chas declawed a while ago. Chas was back to his playful self within a week of the surgery, but Stormy was still walking gingerly. I didn't think too much about it because Stormy is so timid, and Chas is just a little spas, it just seemed to fit their different personalities.
Well, weeks have gone by and Stormy was still favoring one paw. Finally I took her to the doctor today and they said she was not healed correctly because a little piece of bone was sticking out of the pad on one of the digits.
What a horrible mom I am!! I should have taken her in right away, but I figured the problem would just heal itself. So poor little Stormy has to go into surgery again tonight to stitch the skin so it will heal over the bone. (....or something along those lines)
Hopefully this surgery will fix everything and Stormy can get back to normal. I'll have to buy her love again with lots of play time and soft treats when she gets back home. And now instead of risking being a bad mother again, I'm going to turn into one of those crazy, obsessive, OCD moms....GREAT!!
2 weeks ago
I will keep Stormy in my prayers. It's awful when your babies are not feeling well! Give her loves for me.
Oh, no! So sorry to hear Stormy, of all uh, "people"! I think Chas could probably handle it better.
I wouldn't blame yourself--you'd think that things would heal up on their own--that's logical.
Poor baby! She will be in my thoughts & prayers. Give her lots of love from "Grandma". Maybe this will be a good chance to get spoiled, huh? Work it, Stormy :-)
Hope all turns out well! I'll call you. (It's after midnight now on Wed. 8/27)
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