This just in on the list of things that I just don't get ...
(it's a very long list mind you)...
In N Out Burger!
What is the BFD? It's a burger people! And not even a great burger! I ate there when I was in St. George last weekend, and wished I hadn't. There is just such a food turn off when you can see the grease seeping through the paper bag! Plus waiting 10-15 minutes for an average burger? No thanks! Sure it is cheap, but that's about the only good thing about it! So why doesn't everyone stop complaining about the lack of In N Out in Utah and stick to Wendy's burgers.
And since I'm on the subject, I'll add in 5 Guys Burgers and Fries. I guess since it's good enough for President Obama to eat at everyone else suddenly wants it..but once again, it's just a burger and it's not worth battling the crowds to get!!