Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First Time For Everything

I've been driving for 11 years now. I've been in accidents, I speed constantly, I've been pulled over a few times, but yesterday was the first time ever that I have gotten a speeding ticket. I always thought I was lucky to not have gotten one, but yesterday my luck ran out! I've driven down the road probably a couple hundred of times, I've always known it was a speedtrap, but if finally caught up with me! Dang!! I guess it's karma for all of those times I've gone been speeding on that road! You know what they say...Karma's a bitch!


bandkworky said...

Hope it wasn't too bad of one. I remember when I got my ticket, I was ticked off!

Melissa said...

You totally have to tell me where you got it -- and if you say the Eastdell hill or Sego Lilly, I am going to fall off my chair laughing at you!

But I'm sorry you got one. That stinks.

Jenn said...

That sucks!! Hope it wasn't that bad.

Lisa said...

Don't you hate that? I got my first ever speeding ticket like a month ago. Stupid karma.