Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I Don't Get It

The cast of Twighlight


I finally watched "Twightlight". I've never read the books, and knew little about what it was all about. Pretty much I knew it involved vampires, and that people have huge crushes on "Edward".

Well, after watching the movie I cannot understand what all the hype and talk is about. First of all, the movie was LAME!! And second of all, "Edward" aka Robert Patinson....is not attractive!!



Jenn said...

Amen! A girl I work with LOVES Edward. Don't get it.

Becky S. said...

You just can't compare the movie to the book though. The books are a lot better...the movie was just silly!

Annie said...

I can say nothing about either because I haven't read them/watched it. I've had no desire.

Melissa said...

I totally agree with you. And what is the sparkling about?

I haven't seen or read "Twilight," but I have it on good authority the books are better.