Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What's In A Name?

Here's another tidbit of information so that you parents (and future parents) out there can avoid raising a promiscuous child. It's all in the name...

According to the North American Journal of Sexual Health, a survey involving over 5,000 guys found the top 5 names of women who are most likely to sleep with a guy on the first date. In no particular order, they are:
  1. Lindsey
  2. Jenny or Jenni
  3. Christy or Christi
  4. Nicole or Nikki
  5. Erin
The survey also found increased odds with girls whose name ends in an "I" or draws a little heart over an "I". Women with two name first names, like Ann-Marie or Mary-Jo, are also in the top ten. What about girls who go by their full given name, like Jennifer or Patricia? They're less likely to go to bed on the first date.

I know there's already a lot of pressure in naming a child, I guess this just adds one more thing to consider!


Susan said...

That's amusing - I immediately start thinking of all my friends with those names - now I'm suspicious of them! :)

Jenn said...

uh oh... I used to go by Jenny! now everyone knows what a hoochie I am.

erinmalia said...

wow...who knew?! at least i'm not dotting my "i" with a heart. it could be worse.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I must admit I read that with a knot in my stomach--'good Lord, did we name our daughters the wrong thing & now it's their fate to become sluts?' :-) You know how I am!!

Think of the implications of this study--every Nikki, Erin & Christy is either going to get harrassed by girls, asked out more by guys, locked up by their parents or think they have permission to sleep with a guy on the first date--after all, the name made them do it, right?

Or maybe it means nothing at all & is just good conversation material for a party>

Jen and Erin, look at it this way--Maybe obody really WANTS to go to bed with somebody named Griselda on the first date, so it's easier to stay a virgin :-) I know it worked for me! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I resemble that remark!

Melissa said...

(hee hee)

Melissa said...

Sorry, this has nothing to do with this entry, but thank you(!) for taking off the Duffy song.

No mercy for you, Duffy!

joe said...

Hi Kristin,

Melissa is not updating her blog enough, so now I'm reading yours and bugging you.

In reference to Glenda's comment "Think of the implications of this study..." Come on! How many people really read The
American Journal of Sexual Health, anyway? I think the implications of this study will be nill! LOL


Anonymous said...

OK, here's my nomination for what NOT to name your daughter if you don't want her to be easy: NASTIA. Even if there IS a famous, gorgeous Olympic athlete of that name, that's just GOT to be a bad omen, don't you think? Or do I just have a "nastia" mind?

And, P.S. Joe, what do you mean? I read that whatever-it is Journal of Sexual Health with my morning paper every day! lol